
Think about what you are eat to keep your teeth clean

Think about what you are eat to keep your teeth clean

When you are out and about, you do not have all the tools with you to keep your teeth clean. Even if you do, most likely you do not have a sink or a mirror with you. If you have a sink and mirror at your disposal, such as when you are at work, that is great. But what happens when you are on the go without a place to clean your teeth?

That is when you have to think about what you are eating. The best choice is not going to be an item with stickiness such as a caramel roll or a caramel apple. Not only does that stickiness get in between your teeth, but it also causes your teeth to have a nasty film that you are in no position to remove until you get home. Another food item to stay away from is garlic and onions. Sure these items are very low in sugar so that they won’t adhere to your teeth, but if you have to speak face-to-face with anyone for a meeting or a sale, you are going to wish you skipped the spicy garlic and onion chili dog for lunch. Those items can cause a foul odor in your mouth and give you bad breath as well. Not even a mint or gum can help at times as they just mask the smell. Do yourself a favor and make sure you choose wisely when it comes to what you eat when you are on the go.

Your eating and drinking habits have a big impact on the freshness of your teeth. If you’re guzzling coffee and soda or chowing down on candy bars and chips, you’re going to have some problems. Stick with water as your beverage of choice and you won’t have to worry about the discoloration associated with dark drinks. Avoid snacks that stick in your teeth, and opt for those that are fresh and crunchy instead. Swap your candy bar for an apple and chips for crisp carrots.